The Kitty Hawk Police Department will provide outstanding police services to the public. We will prioritize the improvement of the overall quality of life for our residents, business owners, and visitors. Our mission is to protect the public's rights, safety, and property, which will ultimately enhance the well-being of everyone.
We will address crime in an impartial and fair manner by taking proactive measures towards crime prevention, enforcement, and rigorous follow-up. We will utilize technology in a highly efficient and effective way, while emphasizing advanced training and officer development. Additionally, we will maintain transparency in our operations. By doing so, we aim to exceed the high expectations that our community has and deserves from our department.
Integrity: Being honest and demonstrating a consistent adherence to strong moral and ethical principles.
Professionalism: Producing exemplary and thorough work while maintaining a high standard of conduct, behavior, and attitude.
Respect: Treating others as you expect them to treat you. A positive feeling towards another person, their skills, opinions, or other unique characteristics and honoring a person's beliefs, ideas, or culture.
Compassion: Appreciating and being empathetic to the difficulties of others and what they may be experiencing through our expressions of kindness, caring and helpfulness; creating greater trust and learning for all involved.